Harlequin Generations

NEW for 2023! Pre-Foundation Status

Based on the need to increase the gene pool, HSSR is closing the Open Registration program as of January 1, 2023. 

In it's place we're introducing a definitive program for outcrossing registered Harlequins to registered Babydoll Southdown sheep. Babydolls were chosen as the only outcross for two reasons. First, Southdown rams were used in the breed development. Secondly, Babydoll Southdown have the look of the American Southdowns and offer the opportunity to produce shorter sheep. The decision was based on our primary goal of preserving the appearance while bringing down the shoulder height so it is consistently 24" or shorter (but not less than 19").

These guidelines will be implemented with all lambs born and registered in 2023 and will continue until 2030 at which time, no outcrossing will be allowed.

Pre-Foundation NEW Generation Designations


F1-BD will be used to identify lambs on their Certificates of Registration (CoR) as a 50% registered Harlequin, 50% registered Babydoll Southdown cross. 

  • F1-BD bred back to a registered Harlequin generation A, B, C, or AP will result in F2 designated offspring.
  • F1-BD sheep bred back to a registered Babydoll Southdown will result in lambs that will be designated F0.

F0 (FZero)

F0 will identify lambs on their Certificates of Registration (CoR) as a 25% registered Harlequin, 75% registered Babydoll Southdown cross. 

  • F0 sheep bred back to a registered Harlequin whose generation is less than A will not be registerable.
  • F0 sheep bred to registered Harlequins of A, B, C, or AP will be designated F1. 

Foundation Harlequins

F1: One parent is generation F0, and the other parent is generation A, B, C, or AP
F2: One parent is F1 and the other parent is a Harlequin that is higher in the registration process or both parents are F1
FP: Foundation Pure - one or both parents are F2 or one parent is F2 and the other parent is a Harlequin that is higher in the registration process.  

True Harlequins

A:  One or both parents are FP or one parent is FP and the other parent is a Harlequin that is higher in the registration process. 
B:  One or both parents are A or one parent is A and the other parent is a Harlequin that is higher in the registration process. 
C:  One or both parents are B or one parent is B and the other parent is a Harlequin that is higher in the registration process.

Purebred Harlequins

·AP: American Purebred - Both parents are C Generation. This is the highest generation in the registration process.

Harlequin Generation calculator